Thursday, May 31, 2007

HOL SOA19 - Workflow Enabled Services - Sample Code

I am spending this week doing some QA on the Hands on Labs for TechEd. I will be posting additional info about the labs as I go through them. One thing I have noticed is every once in awhile the sample code is actually missing from the lab. For example, SOA19 has you create a rather lengthy class to assist the lab. Here is the missing sample code:

public static string NumToStr(decimal inputValue)
string[] magnitudeNames = { "", "Thousand", "Million" };
string returnValue = string.Empty;

if (inputValue > Decimal.MaxValue )
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
"inputValue", "The input value is too large.");

inputValue = Math.Abs(inputValue);
long dollars = System.Convert.ToInt64(Math.Floor(inputValue));
int cents = System.Convert.ToInt32((inputValue - dollars) * 100);

if (dollars > 0)
int tempDollars = 0;
int groupIndex = 0;
tempDollars = System.Convert.ToInt32(dollars % 1000);
dollars = System.Convert.ToInt64(
(Math.Floor((decimal)(dollars / 1000))));

if (tempDollars != 0)
returnValue = String.Format("{0} {1} {2}",
while (dollars > 0);
returnValue = string.Format(
"{0} and {1}/100", returnValue.TrimEnd(), cents);
return returnValue;

private static string HandleGroup(int valueToConvert)
string[] onesNames =
{ "", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five",
"Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten",
"Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen",
"Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen",
"Eighteen", "Nineteen", "Twenty" };

string[] tensNames = { "", "", "Twenty",
"Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty",
"Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety" };
string result = string.Empty;

int digit = valueToConvert / 100;
valueToConvert %= 100;
if (digit > 0)
result = onesNames[digit] + " Hundred";

int selectVal = valueToConvert;
if (((1 <= selectVal) && (selectVal <= 20)))
result += onesNames[valueToConvert];
else if (((21 <= selectVal) && (selectVal <= 99)))
digit = valueToConvert / 10;
valueToConvert %= 10;

if (digit > 0)
result = string.Format(
"{0} {1}", result, tensNames[digit]);

if (valueToConvert > 0)
result = string.Format(
"{0}-{1}", result, onesNames[valueToConvert]);
return result;

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