Saturday, September 29, 2007

Configuration Intelligence Analytics - aka Really Cool Stuff!

I don't spend a lot of time talking about the products and services that my company, Configuresoft, offers in this blog, mainly because I wanted it to be more of a repository for technical information and things that might help others. However, sometimes things are just too cool not to mention.

In my role as Product Strategy Architect, I'm responsible for our Configuration Intelligence Analytics product. We recently went "Gold" on version 1.0 of the product. This is a product that could very easily revolutionize the systems management world (yes, I'm biased so it's easy for me to say that). We've take a bunch of leading and bleeding-edge products from Microsoft, applied time-tested Business Intelligence methodologies and delivered a product that marries an organizations Configuration Management data with operational data from their Service Desk. The result is in my not- very-humble-at-all opinion is one kick-ass product. I was onsite with a customer this week to help deploy the tool into their environment, and it was really awe-inspiring for me. Have I mentioned lately how much I truly love my job?


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